TG Spotlight: Grace Lindsley
Grace is a marketing and business development specialist.
Fun fact: I am ordained
Favorite Activities: Golf, coffee shop hopping, books
Bucket List Item: Month-long vacation to Europe and travel across the continent
Q: When is your birthday?
A: April 15
Q: Where are you from originally and where did you go to school?
A: Green Bay, Wisconsin and Marquette University
Q: Do you have any children and/or pets?
A: No
Q: What are your favorite activities or hobbies?
A: I grew up dancing my whole life, I love to golf, I am a barre instructor, a book enthusiast, and a coffee shop hopper.
Q: What is one thing on your bucket list??
A: Take a month-long vacation to Europe and travel to different countries across the continent.
Q: What is one fun fact people don’t know about you?
A: I am ordained.
1350 14th Ave. Suite 1
Grafton, WI 53024
marketing @
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