TG Spotlight: Christina Loupee

Christina is our controller.



Childhood career path: Ambassador to France

Favorite TV Show: Psych

Favorite Vacation Spot: The Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Bucket List Item: Visit Provence, France

Q: Where did you grow up?

A: Greenville, Michigan

Q: What career path did you choose for yourself as a child?

A: Ambassador to France

Q: What’s your favorite TV show?

A: Wait for it…Psych.

Q: Where is your favorite vacation spot?

A: The Upper Peninsula of Michigan (da UP, eh)

Q: Is there anything on your bucket list??

A: Visit Provence, France and eat lots of pastries and cheese

Q: Share one thing you want people to remember most about you.

A: My integrity.

Q: What do you love best about your job?

A: I love the flexibility here

Q: What has been your best experience at TG so far?

A: Being able to do my job from the UP.


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