TG Spotlight: Raquel Rosado
Raquel is a developer and marketing team member.

Alma Mater: Taylor University
Favorite Activities: Playing volleyball, boxing, taking photos, and traveling all over the world
Fun Fact: Met a professional athlete and got to hold a bronze Olympic medal
Pets: 2 cats
Q: Where are you from originally?
A: I’m originally from Mequon, WI and have family in Puerto Rico.
Q: Where did you go to school?
A: Taylor University in Upland, IN.
Q: Do you have any children or pets?
A: My family has two cats.
Q: What are your favorite activities or hobbies?
A: I enjoy playing volleyball, boxing, and traveling all over the world. As a photographer, I love getting outside to take photos.
Q: What is one fun fact people don’t about you?
A: In 2019 I met a US men’s national volleyball player at a Loyola University volleyball game. Thomas Jaeschke brought his bronze Olympic medal to the game to be honored as a Loyola alumni, so my cousin and I went down to meet him after the game and got to hold his Olympic medal.
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