TG Spotlight: Tyler Gotz
Tyler is a solutions engineer.

Childhood career path: Baseball player
Favorite TV Show: The Office
Favorite Vacation Spot: Park Falls, Wisconsin
Bucket List Item: Traveling to add to the number of countries I've been to (currently 12)
Q: Where did you grow up?
A: I grew up in Appleton, WI, which is about 20 minutes south of Green Bay. #GoPackGo
Q: What career path did you choose for yourself as a child?
A: Growing up I was really into baseball, so I wanted to be the next MLB star. Once I figured out I was not any good at baseball, I wanted to go into designing video games like a typical young nerd.
Q: What’s your favorite TV show?
A: Definitely The Office!
Q: Where is your favorite vacation spot?
A: My family gets together at a relative’s cabin up north in Park Falls, WI for every 4th of July. It is a nice getaway from the screens and being able to hang out with family.
Q: Is there anything on your bucket list??
A: Just to travel in general. I have been to 12 different countries across the world, and would definitely like to see more.
Q: Share one thing you want people to remember most about you.
A: My last name is pronounced “goats,” like the animal… but spelled differently.
Q: What do you love best about your job?
A: I would have to say it’s the people. Everybody here is so open and nice, which makes it a wonderful place to work. I also love being able to work with popular JavaScript frameworks.
Q: What has been your best experience at TG so far?
A: There have been quite a few, but nothing beats my first day. This is my first post-college job, and I also moved into my first apartment the same day.
Q: What technologies have you worked with or enjoy working with?
A: I have enjoyed working with all the web technologies I have picked up since starting here. My most favorite have been React, Node, and GraphQL.
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