TG Spotlight: Kelly Ross
Kelly is our chief technology officer.

From Brenham, a small Texan town
Bucket List Item: Skydiving
Favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead
Enjoys the beach and tinkering with gadgets
Q: Where did you grow up?
A: A small Texas town (Brenham, TX), home to Bluebell ice cream. It is located about ½ way between Austin and Houston.
Q: What career path did you choose for yourself as a child?
A: I wanted a career in anything computer related (from a very early age). I’ve always been very interested in programming and IT work as well as anything related to technology in general.
Q: What’s your favorite TV show?
A: The Walking Dead
Q: What are your favorite activities or hobbies?
A: I enjoy going to the beach, tinkering with tech gadgets (Raspberry Pi, 3d printing, etc.), and growing my development skills.
Q: Where is your favorite vacation spot?
A: Jamaica most recently was awesome.
Q: Is there anything on your bucket list??
A: I would love to go skydiving!
Q: What do you love best about your job?
A: I love the teamwork and people I work with. The challenges are also something I always look forward to when working with TG clients.
Q: What has been your best experience at TG so far?
A: My best experience with TG has been working with all the talented people, the company culture is wonderful, family-like, and everyone at TG is approachable. The engagements always are challenging and fun and the companies that we do business with are very professional and doing great things with technology.
Q: What technologies have you worked with or enjoy working with?
A: I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the Talend Suite of software, MSSQL, MySQL, Java, and all forms of Analytics.
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